It's like learning anything
the best way is just to have a go. Learn through experience. So what I would do if I was really interested in getting into coaching I'd speak to an experience coach down at the club, or maybe the club coaching co-ordinator and say, "Let me have a go". What do I do to get qualified? Well, don't be in a rush to get a qualification. But what qualification will give you is just the extra depth so you can really.
Develop the craft of coaching. You'll have to do Rugby Ready, because we've talked about safety and how important that is and linked with that we ask everybody to do a Scrum Factory course. Again a very short course just to make sure that everybody can coach the scrummage safely. The Club then encourages you to carry on.
and take the Continuous Personal Development courses a few times a year to improve your skills. To hone your skills in different aspects of the game.