All right, here we are, our next ball. It is a Tachikara handball, Official Team Handball. So, ST-307 something. This ball is sweet, made in Pakistan, I didn't know that. I've never heard of handball but somebody, one of our YouTube commenters said, cut open a handball. We googled it, if you haven't looked at it on YouTube, watch some videos of handball. It's an interesting sport, it's like a mix of indoor soccer and basketball in a way.

I don't know how the goalies take these to the face because they're pretty heavy. This thing's thick and it's pretty heavy. We're gonna cut this open and see what's inside. I'm really curious. All right, Official Team Handball, here we go, let's cut this thing open. I'm gonna cut starting on this groove and go for it. Oh, that's heavy, that's thick. All right, this might be trickier than I thought. Oh, my gosh, what the heck? The heck is in this thing?

- That was a big one. - [Voiceover] Okay, this is a funny one. It has a weird inner liner that I've never cut into yet. Let's find out what's inside of a handball. Come on. (laughing) what the heck is that? It's like a fruit, bloop, bloop, bloop. (laughing) Here's the liner, here's that. And it's got this weird looking, I guess it's just not pumped up, maybe, yeah, this would probably just be full. That's funny, well, let's cut this thing open. We should cut the fruit open. (laughing) - Is something inside of the fruit? - [Voiceover] I think, I don't know.

Maybe just some nuts so you can like bury it in the ground and it grows more handballs. - That would be nice. Does it feel like rubber? - [Voiceover] Yeah, it's kinda, well, I'm not gonna touch it with my hand, you touch it.

- Yeah, it's rubber. - [Voiceover] It looks like this one is number 214, so I know, yeah, 214. - (laughing) 214. - [Voiceover] All right, we pretty much have it. All right, so there you go, there's the inside

of a handball. There's some markings in there for like quality or something, but look how thick this side is. Just the outside layer of it. Looks like it has some rubber in between the two different leather containers that might help you out a little bit when you don't, so when you get hit in the face with it like the goalie does and you can look inside to see just how the rubber is. I really don't know how big they fill these things up, how much air they put in them but ours was not completely full when we got it.

So there you go, there's a handball, there's what's inside of a handball. We figured out the mystery. If you have any other suggestions of things that you'd like to see us cut open, just let us know. We've got a few others we're going to cut open in the next week or so and we'll get them posted. So, subscribe and then you'll be alerted once we actually post it. Thanks a lot.